Shop hours Mon - Fri 08:30-16:30 and Sat 08:30 - 12:00 Telephone 021 465 5904 or 063 222 2724 e-mail: Facebook: @CatholicBookshopCapeTown
Environmental Science and Theology in Dialogue
A Child Born for Us
Jacques Ellul - Essential Spiritual Writings
Jesus before Christianity
Rekindling the Christic Imagination
Living with Real Presence
Christ and the Catholic Priesthood
Truth for your Mind Love for your Heart
Believing in a Revealing God
Faith- What it is and what it isn't
Spirit, Soul, Body
The Holy Spirit, Fire of Divine Love
Visions of Hope
The Human in a Dehumanizing World
The How-to Book of Catholic Theology
My Theology - Ilia Delio: The Primacy of Love
Freedom and Trinity
Introduction to Christianity
Mystery and Hermeneutics - Part Two
Mystery and Hermeneutics - Part One
A Creed for Today
Reimagining the Moral Life
Re-Enchanting the Earth
You Say You Want A Revolution? 1968-2018 in Theological Perspective
Catholicity & Emerging Personhood - A contemporary theological anthropology
Trinity 101 - Father, Son, Holy Spirit